Currently, you are in trial environment

To: Customer who takes use of wareconn Service (hereinafter referred to as " Customer ")

  • First of all, thank you for choosing wareconn services, which is provided by wareconn Technology Service (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”). Before you receiving the services, please read the content of the agreement carefully. If you have any questions about the terms of this agreement, please contact us, and we will explain the terms. If you do not agree with the terms of the agreement or understand our interpretation of these terms accurately, please stop using wareconn services immediately. By your continued use of wareconn services, you will be deemed to be bound by the terms of the agreement.

  • 1. Terms of Agreement


    The wareconn Service Agreement (this “Agreement”) is a valid contract between User (defined below) and Corporation concerning the use of wareconn services.


    When User expressly accepts this agreement by clicking the \'Confirmation\' button at the bottom of the agreement after first registration, it means that both parties have reached this agreement and agree to accept all the contents of this Agreement.


    This Agreement shall remain in effect during User’s use of the wareconn services until the termination or expiration of the cooperation between the two parties.


    Corporation may change the contents of this Agreement at any time in its sole discretion. When any terms of this Agreement are changed, Corporation will post the amendment to the terms of this Agreement on the without notice to User as necessary. If User does not agree with it, User shall stop using the wareconn services and inform Corporation immediately. This Agreement between the two parties shall be terminated accordingly. In such case, service costs will be settled, and User needs to backup data by itself. If User continues to use the wareconn services, it shall be deemed that User has accepted the amendment to the terms of this Agreement.

  • 2. Definitions and Interpretations


    Wareconn Warranty Cloud Platform or Platform: a B2B warranty cloud platform management system for global enterprise users. It provides a communication platform for after-sales service operation management for the warranty demand side and the warranty supply side.


    Wareconn Function: Warranty Management, Repair Services, Data Analysis, and Industrial Resources form the wareconn Warranty Cloud Platform.


    Platform User(s) or User(s): Including Manufacturers, Customers, Service Centers, and industrial resources (please see Industrial Resource Agreement). This Agreement is only for Manufacturers, Customers, and Service Centers.


    Manufacturer(s): Those who intend to provide warranty/after-sale services can register as manufacturers, such as brand manufacturers, distributors, agents and so on.


    Customer(s): Those who have warranty/after-sale services requirements can register as customers, such as warehouses, distributors, agents and so on.


    Service Center(s): Those who intend to provide warranty/after-sale services or provide services covering materials, maintenance, logistics, and supply can register as service centers.

    There are three versions of the Manufacturer's Platform: Standard Edition, Professional Edition, and Enterprise Edition.

    Standard Edition: Contains all functions of warranty management.


    Professional Edition: Includes all features of warranty management and repair services.


    Enterprise Edition: Includes all features of warranty management, repair services, and Data Analysis.


    Wareconn billing method: The Platform will charge the account usage costs for different roles and different versions. Additionally, according to customized development projects for different functional requirements, the Platform will charge the development costs.

  • 3. Service Charge

    Platform registration costs:

    Payment users: Users registered as warranty providers need to pay registration fees.


    Term of service: Calculated since the user's registration on the platform was successful, billed by years.


    Warranty Providers need to pay for the different versions, and the specific amount will be listed on warranty provider's order page.


    Payment Term: Annual payments, and related payment account information can be found at the Platform.


    Late payment: If overdue payment 7 days, the platform will automatically delete the account and all data under the account.

    Development costs:

    Payment users: According to different customized function items, will charge users with those requirements.


    Term of service: Quotation will be based on actual situation and different categories.

    Payment method: Currently, it supports bank transfer for payment. After the corporation confirms receipt of payment, it will open the right to use.
    The following is the RMB account information (RMB):

    Receiving unit: Wareconn Technology Service(Tianjin)Co.,Ltd.


    Bank: Bank of China Tianjin Fanglinyuan Branch


    Bank account number: 276583395637

    The Platform may unilaterally adjust the price standards and payment conditions according to the actual situation. In order to encourage to use the features and to reward promotion, different Users will be charged different prices.
  • 4. Contract renewal

    The Wareconn Platform will notify paying Users before 90 days of expiration date, and Users may submit renewal application for the premium account according to the latest charges. After the wareconn Platform verifies such application and the related charges are duly paid, the account’s expiration date will be extended. Otherwise, Corporation will terminate all the service and close the account after the expiration date.
  • 5. Rule to Use Account


    Users may need to provide some necessary information when registering or using the accounts. Users must make sure that the information provided is correct, complete and up to date. Otherwise, the accounts may be unable to use, or some function may be restricted in some circumstances. Any liability and loss due to incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate information provided by Users will be borne by Users themselves.


    The Wareconn Platform will assign accounts after Users successfully register as Users. The ownership of the accounts still belongs to Corporation, and Customers have the rights to use the accounts only.


    The registered accounts can only be used by Users, and Users should keep their account and password safe and secure. The account information should not be transferred, loaned, shared or in any manner, whatsoever, used by or with any other person. One account can only log in on one device at the same time, or wareconn Platform may log out the previous user or restrict the login of later user or carry on any other proper activities. Once a user is successfully logged in, the wareconn Platform will assume that the system is controlled by the same person.

  • 6. Rights and Obligations


    User agrees to comply with the service agreement and the relevant management specifications and processes of the services in the display page.

    User represents that:

    User will obtain all necessary licenses or approvals of the relevant authorities required to use the wareconn services and comply with all the national and local laws and regulations, which may be published or amended from time to time; if wareconn Services involves the third party software license obtained by Corporation, User agrees to comply with the relevant license agreement between the Corporation and the third party; User will neither publish or release the following information or content, nor provide any convenience for others to publish or release such information:

    ①political propaganda and news information in violation of the national regulations;

    ②information involving national secrets and security;

    ③information on feudal superstition, obscenity, pornography, indecent information and/or information abetting crime;

    ④information on betting with prizes, gambling games, “Personal Server” (higention), “Regedit” and/or other illegal cyber activities;

    ⑤information in violation of the national ethnic and religious policies;

    ⑥information that hinders the safety of the Internet operation;

    ⑦information that infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of other people and/or other information or content that is detrimental to social order, public security or public morality; and

    ⑧other content in violation of laws, regulations, rules or national policies.


    User will not engage in any conduct that undermines or attempts to undermine network security (including but not limited to Phishing, hacking, network fraud, entraining or spreading viruses, Trojans, malicious code or other malicious codes/programs, and/or conducting suspected attacks to or intrusions on other websites or servers through the virtual servers, such as scanning, sniffing, ARP spoofing, DOS etc.);


    User will respect other people’s rights, including privacy and intellectual property rights.


    User will not abuse, damage or interfere Wareconn services or cause the wareconn service interruptions.


    User will not engage in other activities that are illegal or in violation of the terms and conditions of wareconn services.

    If Corporation finds that the Customer violates the terms and conditions stipulated above, Corporation shall have the right to take corresponding measures according to the circumstances, including but not limited to the immediate termination of the service, the suspension of the service or the deletion of the relevant information. If the third party or organization or individual have questions or complains, Corporation will notify the Customer, Customer is responsible to provide the description and certified materials within the specified time, if the Customer fails to provide relevant evidence or fails to feedback, Corporation will take the action, including but not limited to suspend or delete the corresponding information service immediately. Customer who fail to update their contact details or incorrect contact details are considered to be no feedback. Customers should bear all the loss of Corporation's.


    Corporation is not liable for any legal disputes arising from User's use of wareconn services in business activities.


    User is responsible for the integrity and confidentiality of the data generated during the use of the wareconn services as well as the account number and the password used to access to the wareconn services. Because of User's improper maintenance, All losses and consequences caused by the loss or leakage of the above-mentioned data, account number or password due to improper maintenance or security measures shall be solely borne by User.


    Corporation may terminate or suspend services, delete related information or close accounts if any of the following situations occurs:

    6.5.1 User does not pay the fees on or before the due date.

    6.5.2 User violates the terms of this Agreement.

    6.5.3 Any law enforcement authority or court order requests or directs Corporation to do so.


    Corporation shall provide services in accordance with this Agreement and ensure the sustainable operation of the services and data security. The Platform has obtained the necessary licenses and authorizations to provide wareconn services to User according to this Agreement.


    The Platform will keep User’s information on servers during the service period and permanently delete such information after User has terminated the services.


    Corporation does not guarantee and promise to any third parties that the page and information submitted by User conform to the registration standards, and User shall be fully responsible for the contents, products and services provided by using wareconn services.


    Corporation reserve the right to delete at any time any content which is harmful for national security, honor and interest, inciting subversion of state power, overthrowing the socialist system, inciting secession, undermining national unity, advocating terrorism and extremism, advocating ethnic hatred and ethnic discrimination, spreading violence, obscene materials, false, insulting, defamatory, intimidating, harassing, infringing on others' reputation, privacy, intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests, illegal, or violating public orders and good morals.


    The Platform reserves the right to temporarily stop services for the purpose of maintaining and upgrading the system. Before stop services, Platform will announce it through the website.


    The Platform may adjust the review standards of wareconn services according to the changes of laws, the orders of law enforcement authorities and social ethics and morality.


    The Platform commits to strictly comply with the data confidentiality obligations of User. The Platform hereby recognizes and confirms that the ownership of User’s data belongs to User itself.

  • 7. User Privacy Protection


    wareconn will take all measures to keep User's data and personal information safe and secure. The Website will disclose User's information only according to User's instructions given on the website. The Website will not disclose or share User's data and personal information to any third party without User's consent, except that the public security bureau, national security agency or other organization which is authorized to safeguard national security, investigate crimes or other purposes in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, or use such for data and personal information commercial purposes.


    On the premise of not disclosing User's privacy information, the website reserves the right to use User's data and information for statistical purpose and to analyze and evaluate such data and information to understand User's usage status, to render corresponding services and optimize solutions.


    User can log in to the account to see the personal data, and User can also analyze the data by exporting data function provided by the Platform. The Platform also provides customized services; if needed, please feel free to contact the service personnel.

  • 8. Disclaimer


    Customer will not assume any responsibility if the inability to use the Services resulting from non-operation of the Platform is caused by any of the following circumstances, including but not limited to:

    8.1.1 The Platform tests, repairs or maintains the network, system or asset;

    8.1.2 Data is unable to transmit due to the failure of telecommunication asset or communication network;

    8.1.3 The Platform system is unable to function due to typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, flood, power failure, war, terrorist attacks and other factors of force majeure.

    8.1.4 The services are interrupted or otherwise affected due to hacker attacks, viruses, telecommunications technical adjustment or failure, site upgrades, system instability, User’s location and so on.

    8.1.5 The services are interrupted or otherwise affected due to other factors not attributed to Corporation.


    The Platform does not guarantee (including but not limited to):

    1、The wareconn services provided by Corporation are suitable for the User’s requirements;

    2、The wareconn services are uninterrupted, non-stopped, timely, secure, reliable or error-free.


    Corporation will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages howsoever arising out of or with respect to the use of the wareconn services, including, but not limited to, any damages for lost profits, goodwill, data or other tangible or intangible losses.


    Corporation will not be liable for the failure of online transactions or the loss of relevant information, records, etc. resulting from the Platform system crash or abnormal use due to force majeure or other reasons beyond the control of the Platform that cause the system to crash or fail to operate normally. However, Corporation will do its reasonable best to assist with remedial works and endeavor to protect User from financial losses.


    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in no event shall Corporation be liable for indemnification under this Agreement in an amount that exceeds the total amount of account usage fees paid by User for the recent one year (or the actual service period if less than one year).

  • 9.Intellectual property rights


    All intellectual property rights related to the wareconn program, source code, LOGO, interface design, and application programming interface (API) are owned by Corporation. Unless otherwise stated, all the copyrights, patents and other intellectual property rights of the Website based software are owned by Corporation. All the copyright or trademark rights of 'wareconn' LOGO and other commercial logos used on the Website are also owned by Corporation. All the above and other intellectual property rights contained in the Website are protected by laws. Without the written permission of Corporation or relevant right holders, no one may copy, use, modify or create derivative works in any form, or remove, cover or modify the marks, logos or legal notices that are displayed in services or on the wareconn Platform.


    User's posting, uploading or transferring document and information on Platform should be assumed that User grants to the Platform a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, permanent and irrevocable license to collect, store, use, process, copy, reproduce, modify, transfer, translate or edit such document and information.

  • 10.Notice

    All notices under this Agreement will be announced on the website page of the Platform. Changes of the services or the terms and conditions thereof, or announcements of other important events will be carried out in this method. Such notices are deemed to have been delivered to Users at the time of the announcement.

  • 11. Links

    The Platform may provide links to other Internet websites or resources. Corporation does not guarantee the availability, correctness, accuracy, completeness, reliability, timeliness and legality of such websites or resources. Corporation is not responsible for any losses or damages arising from the use or reliance on the above websites or resources.

  • 12. Dispute Resolution

    12.1 The application, interpretation, execution, jurisdiction and resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

    12.2 Any disputes that arises under or with respect to this Agreement can be resolved through negotiation between the two parties. If the negotiation fails, such dispute shall be submitted to the court in the jurisdiction where Corporation is registered.

  • 13. Others

    13.1 If any provision of this Agreement held to be invalid or unenforceable, all of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

    13.2 If User does not comply to the terms of this Agreement, and Corporation does not take any action immediately, it will not be presumed to operate as a waiver of Corporation’s rights or acquiescence in any default.

    13.3 Corporation may transfer the rights or obligations under this Agreement or the wareconn platform to the third party by posting an announcement on the website page.

To: Customer who takes use of wareconn Service (hereinafter referred to as " Customer ")

  • First of all, thank you for choosing wareconn services, which is provided by wareconn Technology Service (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”). Before you receiving the services, please read the content of the agreement carefully. If you have any questions about the terms of this agreement, please contact us, and we will explain the terms. If you do not agree with the terms of the agreement or understand our interpretation of these terms accurately, please stop using wareconn services immediately. By your continued use of wareconn services, you will be deemed to be bound by the terms of the agreement.

  • 1. Terms of Agreement


    The wareconn Service Agreement (this “Agreement”) is a valid contract between User (defined below) and Corporation concerning the use of wareconn services.


    When User expressly accepts this agreement by clicking the \'Confirmation\' button at the bottom of the agreement after first registration, it means that both parties have reached this agreement and agree to accept all the contents of this Agreement.


    This Agreement shall remain in effect during User’s use of the wareconn services until the termination or expiration of the cooperation between the two parties.


    Corporation may change the contents of this Agreement at any time in its sole discretion. When any terms of this Agreement are changed, Corporation will post the amendment to the terms of this Agreement on the without notice to User as necessary. If User does not agree with it, User shall stop using the wareconn services and inform Corporation immediately. This Agreement between the two parties shall be terminated accordingly. In such case, service costs will be settled, and User needs to backup data by itself. If User continues to use the wareconn services, it shall be deemed that User has accepted the amendment to the terms of this Agreement.

  • 2. Definitions and Interpretations


    Wareconn Warranty Cloud Platform or Platform: a B2B warranty cloud platform management system for global enterprise users. It provides a communication platform for after-sales service operation management for the warranty demand side and the warranty supply side.


    Wareconn Function: Warranty Management, Repair Services, Data Analysis, and Industrial Resources form the wareconn Warranty Cloud Platform.



    Manufacturer(s): Those who intend to provide warranty/after-sale services can register as manufacturers, such as brand manufacturers, distributors, agents and so on.


    Customer(s): Those who have warranty/after-sale services requirements can register as customers, such as warehouses, distributors, agents and so on.


    Service Center(s): Those who intend to provide warranty/after-sale services or provide services covering materials, maintenance, logistics, and supply can register as service centers.


  • 3. Service Charge

    Platform service costs:

    Payment users: The platform collects the service costs of service items under ware no. from the provider and the service center who provide services.


    Our corporation collects the service costs of service items under ware no. after the service provided by the various industry resources on warencon platform, which are used as platform maintenance.


    Payment Term: Annual payments, and related payment account information can be found at the Platform.


    Late payment: If overdue payment 7 days, the platform will automatically delete the account and all data under the account.

    Payment method: Currently, it supports bank transfer for payment. After the corporation confirms receipt of payment, it will open the right to use.
    The following is the RMB account information (RMB):

    Receiving unit: Wareconn Technology Service(Tianjin)Co.,Ltd.


    Bank: Bank of China Tianjin Fanglinyuan Branch


    Bank account number: 276583395637

    The Platform may unilaterally adjust the price standards and payment conditions according to the actual situation. In order to encourage to use the features and to reward promotion, different Users will be charged different prices.
  • 6.1

    User agrees to comply with the service agreement and the relevant management specifications and processes of the services in the display page.

    User represents that:

    User will obtain all necessary licenses or approvals of the relevant authorities required to use the wareconn services and comply with all the national and local laws and regulations, which may be published or amended from time to time; if wareconn Services involves the third party software license obtained by Corporation, User agrees to comply with the relevant license agreement between the Corporation and the third party; User will neither publish or release the following information or content, nor provide any convenience for others to publish or release such information:

    ①political propaganda and news information in violation of the national regulations;

    ②information involving national secrets and security;

    ③information on feudal superstition, obscenity, pornography, indecent information and/or information abetting crime;

    ④information on betting with prizes, gambling games, “Personal Server” (higention), “Regedit” and/or other illegal cyber activities;

    ⑤information in violation of the national ethnic and religious policies;

    ⑥information that hinders the safety of the Internet operation;

    ⑦information that infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of other people and/or other information or content that is detrimental to social order, public security or public morality; and

    ⑧other content in violation of laws, regulations, rules or national policies.


    User will not engage in any conduct that undermines or attempts to undermine network security (including but not limited to Phishing, hacking, network fraud, entraining or spreading viruses, Trojans, malicious code or other malicious codes/programs, and/or conducting suspected attacks to or intrusions on other websites or servers through the virtual servers, such as scanning, sniffing, ARP spoofing, DOS etc.);


    User will respect other people’s rights, including privacy and intellectual property rights.



    Corporation is not liable for any legal disputes arising from User's use of wareconn services in business activities.


    User is responsible for the integrity and confidentiality of the data generated during the use of the wareconn services as well as the account number and the password used to access to the wareconn services. Because of User's improper maintenance, All losses and consequences caused by the loss or leakage of the above-mentioned data, account number or password due to improper maintenance or security measures shall be solely borne by User.



    Corporation shall provide services in accordance with this Agreement and ensure the sustainable operation of the services and data security. The Platform has obtained the necessary licenses and authorizations to provide wareconn services to User according to this Agreement.


    The Platform will keep User’s information on servers during the service period and permanently delete such information after User has terminated the services.


    Corporation does not guarantee and promise to any third parties that the page and information submitted by User conform to the registration standards, and User shall be fully responsible for the contents, products and services provided by using wareconn services.


    Corporation reserve the right to delete at any time any content which is harmful for national security, honor and interest, inciting subversion of state power, overthrowing the socialist system, inciting secession, undermining national unity, advocating terrorism and extremism, advocating ethnic hatred and ethnic discrimination, spreading violence, obscene materials, false, insulting, defamatory, intimidating, harassing, infringing on others' reputation, privacy, intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests, illegal, or violating public orders and good morals.


    The Platform reserves the right to temporarily stop services for the purpose of maintaining and upgrading the system. Before stop services, Platform will announce it through the website.


    The Platform may adjust the review standards of wareconn services according to the changes of laws, the orders of law enforcement authorities and social ethics and morality.


    The Platform commits to strictly comply with the data confidentiality obligations of User. The Platform hereby recognizes and confirms that the ownership of User’s data belongs to User itself.

  • 8.1

    Customer will not assume any responsibility if the inability to use the Services resulting from non-operation of the Platform is caused by any of the following circumstances, including but not limited to:

    8.1.1 The Platform tests, repairs or maintains the network, system or asset;

    8.1.2 Data is unable to transmit due to the failure of telecommunication asset or communication network;

    8.1.3 The Platform system is unable to function due to typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, flood, power failure, war, terrorist attacks and other factors of force majeure.

    8.1.4 The services are interrupted or otherwise affected due to hacker attacks, viruses, telecommunications technical adjustment or failure, site upgrades, system instability, User’s location and so on.


    The Platform does not guarantee (including but not limited to):

    1、The wareconn services provided by Corporation are suitable for the User’s requirements;

    2、The wareconn services are uninterrupted, non-stopped, timely, secure, reliable or error-free.


    Corporation will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages howsoever arising out of or with respect to the use of the wareconn services, including, but not limited to, any damages for lost profits, goodwill, data or other tangible or intangible losses.


    Corporation will not be liable for the failure of online transactions or the loss of relevant information, records, etc. resulting from the Platform system crash or abnormal use due to force majeure or other reasons beyond the control of the Platform that cause the system to crash or fail to operate normally. However, Corporation will do its reasonable best to assist with remedial works and endeavor to protect User from financial losses.

  • All notices under this Agreement will be announced on the website page of the Platform. Changes of the services or the terms and conditions thereof, or announcements of other important events will be carried out in this method. Such notices are deemed to have been delivered to Users at the time of the announcement.

  • The Platform may provide links to other Internet websites or resources. Corporation does not guarantee the availability, correctness, accuracy, completeness, reliability, timeliness and legality of such websites or resources. Corporation is not responsible for any losses or damages arising from the use or reliance on the above websites or resources.

  • 12.1 The application, interpretation, execution, jurisdiction and resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

    12.2 Any disputes that arises under or with respect to this Agreement can be resolved through negotiation between the two parties. If the negotiation fails, such dispute shall be submitted to the court in the jurisdiction where Corporation is registered.