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Warranty Management Introduction

wareconn establishes a foundation for a reverse logistics management platform related to after-sales service, allowing warranty providers and customers to jointly manage warranty claims, track progress and logistics status, implement spare parts management, and conduct real-time statistical analysis of warranty information, providing comprehensive warranty services. It is mainly divided into two parts:

Service Settings

Warranty providers can be associated with multiple customers, and customers can also be associated with multiple warranty providers, achieving real-time online communication and efficient management of warranty operations. Based on the warranty support services set up by the warranty providers in advance, corresponding warranty conditions are automatically brought out when the customer submits a warranty claim, improving the efficiency of repairs; customers can also conduct fault diagnosis and cross-checking before submitting a warranty claim.

Warranty Provider

Progress Tracking

Progress Tracking: Warranty providers and customers jointly track the progress of warranty operations, logistic and spare parts status, and calculating the costs of warranty. Statistics, graphs and interactive dashboards can be custom generated and view real-time information.

Warranty Provider


  • Contract Management

    Transparent management warranty contract, standardizing rules, and convenient regulation of product warranty conditions.

  • Warranty Claim

    management of warranty operations - Online submission of warranty claims, automatic approval and assign of RMA number. A complete.

  • Spare Part Management

    Effective management of spare parts usage and inventory status, to meet the demand of the clients.

    Status Tracking

    Real-time tracking of logistic status, repair progress on one platform.

  • Statistics Analysis

    According to actual needs to generate customized graphs. Various charts such as warranty claim quantity and costs statistics, to intuitively analyze warranty data, and improve strategy-making accuracy.

  • Warranty Forecasting

    Use the graphs generated based on historical warranty data to forecast future warranty claims or returns and reduce downtime and cost losses.


    Warranty Provider

    Set up warranty diagnosis logic, warranty types, and warranty contracts.

    Define products and parts, provide warranty settings, warranty contracts, and other support services.

    Approve warranty claims systematically, upload warranty reports and tracking all progress.

    Manage inventory and shipments including advanced exchange to shorten the lead time.

    Automatically track the logistics history of products and spare parts.

    Multi-dimensional warranty accounting to clarify every cost and expense.

    View the warranty provider's product and part warranty settings and contracts.

    Customers can fill out feedback for online communication of warranty periods.

    Submit warranty claims and view warranty reports, track all the progress online.

    Order warranty spare parts online, manage inventory, and request the advanced exchange.

    Both the warranty provider and the customer can track the logistics history online.

    Review the costs, and intuitively analyze various statistics by using graphs and dashboards.

    Warranty Management


    Warranty provider: Enterprises who offers warranty services, such as supplier, asset suppliers, agents, etc.


  • Warranty Management
  • Invite customers to register and apply for association.

  • 2

  • Warranty Management
  • Warranty settings for products, parts, processes and spare parts

  • 3

  • Warranty Management
  • Provide warranty support services for customers to troubleshoot on their own.

  • 4

  • Warranty Management
  • Approve claims and manage warranty process.

  • 5

  • Warranty Management
  • Approve spare parts orders and implement advance spare parts service.

  • 6

  • Warranty Management
  • Track warranty statistics and account for warranty costs.

    Customer: Enterprises that require warranty services, including brand manufacturers, data centers, parts suppliers, etc.


  • Warranty Management
  • Invite warranty providers to register and apply for association.

  • 2

  • Warranty Management
  • View providers' warranty settings and provide feedback in real-time.

  • 3

  • Warranty Management
  • Apply warranty support services for self-troubleshooting verification

  • 4

  • Warranty Management
  • Submit warranty claims and track progress of operations.

  • 5

  • Warranty Management
  • Purchase warranty spare parts and send out defective products.

  • 6

  • Warranty Management
  • View warranty costs and statistics analysis.