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Warranty Provider:those who provide warranty management or repair services.Charges are based on the number of users; if you need customized services, you will be quoted separately.Charging items depend on actual service situation and will inform users if any changes.
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100 Times/Year
First-time purchase comes with 5 times of data analysis
The price marked here is excluding tax
Industrial solutions hit the ground
Flexible quote offers time and effort
Develop a customized package solve it with precision
Comprehensive training every process is clear
Collaborative data import improve efficiency
Flexibly add demand for exclusive services
API Support :Provide customrized API support to make user manage warranty more convenient Data Implementation :Help to implement data for users to reduce time costs Publication :Subscribe to wareconn to keep up with the after-sales trends, strategies, and innovations Solution :Provide solutions and advanced analytics strategy to become an insight-driven business and raise customer satisfaction
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