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Wareconn cloud platform provides certified business information, integrates related after-sales industry information, communicates transparent information for warranty provider, customer, service center, logistics, call center, recycle center, and so on. wareconn improves value by product lifecycle system management and resources optimization.


Transparent Requirements

Propose requirements in a more public and transparent way.
  • Industrial Chain

    Provide everything from initial stage to final stage.
  • Product Lifecycle

    Use the most effective way to reduce cost.
  • Resources Sharing

    Provide unified and integrated resources worldwide.
  • Green Industry

    Find appropriate recycle center for customer.
  • Eco-efficient Economy

    Use resources efficiently.


    Find nearby Call Center to save more time and effort

    Join as logistics to obtain more opportunities

    Join as warranty provider to obtain more business opportunities

    Join as service center to obtain more after-sales platform information

    Provide material & asset to optimize supply mode

    Consolidate nearby recycle center to let scrap material be more convenient
