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Customer M is the world’s largest computer software provider. Customer M’s server fails, the customer’s internal system records the failure information, and then reports for repairs through the manufacturer’s warranty system. Manufacturer F determines the type of warranty for the defective product according to the internal system. After the manufacturer receives the defective product, diagnose as defective and ship qualified products back to customers.
Wareconn warranty cloud platform and the customer's internal system API stringing, customer M in the internal system can submit a warranty claims through the API interface back to the wareconn warranty cloud platform and automatically assign order no. by warranty module function.
Wareconn warranty cloud platform automatically mine manufacturer F shipping data, manufacturer F in the wareconn warranty cloud platform set up warranty type, etc. , when receiving customer warranty claims, automatically match warranty services according to the warranty contract.
Wareconn warranty cloud platform combines the whole process of after-sales service, supports spare parts management, can be used on the wareconn warranty cloud platform for spare parts management or spare parts shipped in advance to customers, shorten service time.
Wareconn warranty cloud platform support service report upload, service record, failure code record, etc. , and has the function of statistical summary, to help industrialists reverse operation, improve product quality.