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【Combination Product】Well-managed hierarchial products, convenient for every steps of repair process

2020-09-21 17:53:24

Dear valued wareconn user:

         The function of "Combination Product" is officially online on Sep 21. 

Now, you can log in warranty provider and service center portal and make smarter use on it if any requirements.


1. Function:

Wareconn provides a combination product solution for quality tracking and improvement.

Warranty provider set up combination relation in advance to make the corresponded parts inspect and run repair process independtly.

After the repair process, it is available to make the combination with the corresponded product. 

2. Portal: Warranty Provider/ Service Center


3. Application:

 3.1 Settings (Warranty Provider)

  3.1.1 Combination Relation Setting

Warranty Provider/ Warranty Management/ Warranty Condition/ Product Condition

Search the product and click image.png  to set up the combination relation or not

Image 2.jpg

Select the parts, fill in the quantity and select Yes/No for combination relation  

Image 1.jpg

  3.1.2 Station Function Setting

Warranty Provider/ Repair Service/ Service Process/ Station Condition

Click【Basic Station】to add or edit the station such as VI1, Repair or Shipping station and combine with station function

Image 3.jpg

Search the existed station and click image.png  to bind with the station function

Image 4.jpg

Fill in Station Name and select function. For example, set up separation function in REPAIR station and set up assembly function in Shipping station.

Assembly Station Function: to make those separate parts with repair completed state combine with the corresponded product

Separation Station Function: to implement the parts under this product for further repair process

Image 5.jpg

Search the existed station and click image.png  to bind with the station function

Image 6.jpg

Image 7.jpg

Click【Station Process】to draw a station flow for further repair process bindings

Image 8.jpg

Fill in Station Name select corresponded station to draw a station flow

Image 9.jpg

  3.1.3 Repair Process Setting

Warranty Provider/ Repair Service/ Service Process/ Process Condition

Click【Add】to add a new process with station flow bindings

Image 10.jpg

Fill in Station Process Name and Description, select Customer and click【Edit】to add the parts for further repair process application

Image 12.jpg

Search Part and its P/N for selection

Image 11.jpg

Click【Edit】to bind with service center and station flow

Image 13.jpg

Select the corresponded service center to apply the parts repair process

Image 15.jpg

Click image.png  to bind the station flow

Image 33.jpg

Select the corresponded station flow to apply the parts repair process

Image 35.jpg

  3.1.4 Parts Warranty Setting

Warranty Provider/ Warehousing/ Lots Warehousing/ Shipping

Click【Add】to add parts warranty condition

Image 17.jpg

Click【Select】to select product to make the corresponded parts automatically bring out. Click 【Next】to set up parts warranty condition

Image 18.jpg

Image 19.jpg

Click image.png to set up parts warranty condition

Image 21.jpg

Select to follow the existed warranty condition or add a new warranty condition

Image 22.jpg

 3.2 Application (Service Center)

  3.2.1 Separation - Batch Upload if Multiple Products

Service Center/ Service Progress/ Progress Maintenance

Click【Download Template】to fill in the template and click 【Batch Upload】to batch upload for parts repair process

(Condition: Service Status is Processing and current at REPAIR station, which is bind with separation station function)

Image 27.jpg


Image 26.jpg

Click【Incorrect Uploaded Data】to download the file to review the message of upload fail 

Image 39.jpg

If success, then the parts will be automatically generated another ware no. for further repair process based on previous process settings


Assembly Parts: means the parts under same product to be separated for separate repair process

Customer Application: means the claims that customer requested at the very beginning stage.


Image 67.jpg

  3.2.2 Separation - Unit/ Batch Upload if one Product (Admin Page)

Service Center/ Service Progress/ Progress Maintenance

Select Unit or Batch, parts P/N and scan parts S/N to make those parts process separate repair process for further combination with the corresponded product

Image 28.jpg

  3.2.3 Separation - Unit Upload if one Product (Operator Page)

Service Center/ Service Progress/ Progress Maintenance/ Unit Process

Scan the product S/N firstly

Select corresponded part PN and scan corresponded part S/N

Image 61.jpg

If success, parts data could be reviewed immediately and those parts will have their own ware no. for further repair process

Image 64.jpg

  3.2.4 Separation - Parts Repair Process (Operator Page)

Service Center/ Service Progress/ Progress Maintenance/ Repair List

Click【To be processed product】to make the parts process repair process

Image 68.jpg

Select the parts and click【Start】to make the parts process repair process

Image 70.jpg

Service Center/ Service Progress/ Progress Maintenance/ Unit Process

Scan the parts S/N and scan the bar code for station maintenance based on previous settings by warranty provider

Image 71.jpg

Scan the parts S/N and scan the bar code for service close for further combination with corresponded product

(Notes: If the parts has not been service closed, then it is not available to make combination with corresponded product)

Image 72.jpg

  3.2.5 Combination (Operator Page)

Service Center/ Service Progress/ Progress Maintenance/ Unit Process

Scan the product S/N adn execute station function of  "Component Assembly" by scan the parts S/N and click "Assembly"

Image 73.jpg

  3.2.6 Service Closed (Admin Page)

Service Center/ Service Progress/ Progress Maintenance

Click【Download Template】to download the file to fill in the product S/N for service closed. 

Click 【Batch Closed】to process batch closed process. (Notes: parts cannot be service closed if not complete the repair process)

Image 41.jpg



  3.2.7 Separation Process Consolidation Review

Service Center/ Service Progress/ Progress Maintenance

Click【Parts Data】to download the file to review the parts record with separate repair process

Image 40.jpg


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